
Lois E. Lane

Hello! My name is Lois Lane, and yes, it actually is my name! It was not fun when I was younger because I was always teased about being Superman’s girlfriend. But, as I became more mature, I realized that it was a really cool name and a great conversation starter! I was born in the state of Alabama, and I used the Mobile area as well as the coast of Alabama as the setting for my first published book, The Gulf of Deception. I am retired and decided to revive my novel from 22 years ago. It has been a great experience and I have had a lot of fun writing it and now sharing it with all of you. Currently, I live in central west Texas and will continue to write for enjoyment.

Street Team

It takes people who love your work to help promote it.  I have two people on my team who have been encouraging, helpful and supportive throughout my writing process.  Let me introduce you to my “street team” who will be promoting books and scheduling book signings.

Nina Lane Scott

Nina Lane Scott

Nina is the sister of Lois E. Lane and has been one of Lois’ biggest fans and supporters.  After a long and storied career in the music profession and a business owner, she is savvy in marketing and promoting events.  Having such an experienced person on the team will be an asset.  Nina resides in Mobile, Alabama.

Jayne Thomey Sewell

Jayne Thomey Sewell

Jayne is the best friend of Lois E. Lane and has been one of Lois’ most loyal and supportive friends.  They were co-workers in the medical field for many years and their friendship has continued to this day.  Having someone who believes in you and your work will be a great team member.  Jayne resides in El Dorado, Arkansas.